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Full-Time Hire – Staff User Interface Engineer -$200.0M Series-A Mobile Gaming Start-Up

LAST HIRE OF 2022 – CONGRATULATIONS to the Verticalmove, Inc Full-Time Recruiting team for filling a 2ND STAFF LEVEL USER INTERFACE ENGINEERING position for a revolutionary, blockchain-based, stealth mobile gaming start-up that has raised more than $200 million in their Series-A funding round, bringing their valuation to just shy of $2.0 billion.

For those familiar with the gaming world, you will immediately recognize the founding team as they’re one of the most iconic names in the mobile gaming space.

DID YOU KNOW that Verticalmove, Inc leverages an AI-powered digital skills assessment platform, which leverages audio, video, and image proctoring to confirm identity authenticity, location, and overall competency?

Our skills assessment platform distills a hiring decision into a simple score and ranking system for our clients, which further helps our team achieve measurable consistency, remove unconscious bias, and improve hiring outcomes.

Amazing work team!

Are you staffing for your digital transformation project? Please reach out and say

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Contract Hire – Data Engineer – $200.0B Fortune 10 Healthcare Enterprise

CONGRATULATIONS to the Verticalmove, Inc Digital Transformation Consulting & Software Engineering team for filling a CONTRACT DATA ENGINEERING position in a row within a client that is among the Fortune 50 and the most recognized healthcare companies in existence.

This candidate is part of our NGT (Next Generation Transformation) consulting team that helps our clients decompose their monolithic enterprise applications, and move to a modern microservices, cloud-based architecture.

DID YOU KNOW that Verticalmove, Inc leverages an AI-powered digital skills assessment platform, which leverages audio, video, and image proctoring to confirm identity authenticity, location, and overall competency?

Our skills assessment platform distills a hiring decision into a simple score and ranking system for our clients, which further helps our team achieve measurable consistency, remove unconscious bias, and improve hiring outcomes.

Amazing work team!

Are you staffing for your digital transformation project? Please reach out and say

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Digital Transformation in Banking: How New Technologies are Transforming the Industry!

Digital transformation is sweeping across many industries, and the banking sector is no exception. As technology continues to advance, banks are turning to new digital solutions to improve the customer experience, streamline operations, and increase efficiency.

One of the key ways that banks are undergoing digital transformation is through the use of mobile banking. This allows customers to access their accounts and conduct financial transactions from their smartphones or other mobile devices. This has proven to be a convenient and popular option for many people, as it allows them to conduct banking activities on the go.

Another area where digital transformation is making an impact in the banking industry is the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning. These technologies are being used to automate routine tasks, such as detecting and preventing fraud and providing personalized financial advice to customers.

In addition, blockchain technology is being embraced by some banks as a way to securely and efficiently manage financial transactions. This technology allows for the creation of a digital ledger that is transparent, secure, and tamper-proof, making it a potentially valuable tool for the banking industry.

Overall, digital transformation is transforming the way that banks operate and interact with their customers. As new technologies continue to emerge, it is likely that we will see even more innovation in the banking industry in the coming years.

What are the benefits of the cloud for banks?

  1. Increased efficiency and cost savings: By storing data and running applications on the cloud, banks reduce their need for expensive hardware, software, and IT maintenance costs. This improves their bottom line and invests in other areas of their business.

  2. Enhanced scalability and flexibility: Cloud services provide banks with the ability to quickly scale up or down their IT capabilities as needed, allowing them to respond to changing business demands and customer needs.

  3. Improved security and compliance: Banks can benefit from the advanced security measures and compliance standards implemented by cloud service providers, which help protect sensitive data and meet regulatory requirements. By storing data on the cloud, banks benefit from the advanced security measures used by cloud providers, which can help prevent data breaches and other security threats.

  4. Better collaboration and innovation: Cloud services enable banks to easily share data and resources among different teams and locations, fostering collaboration and innovation within the organization. Banks can quickly and easily analyze large amounts of data to gain insights and make better business decisions. This can help them better understand their customers, improve customer service, and create new products and services.

  5. Enhanced customer experience: Banks can use cloud services to provide customers with faster, more convenient, and personalized services, improving the overall customer experience.

How are banks thinking about public, private, hybrid, and multi-cloud? 

Banks are considering various cloud deployment models, including public, private, hybrid, and multi-cloud, to determine the best approach for their specific needs and goals. The public cloud refers to the use of cloud services from a third-party provider, such as Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure. Private cloud refers to the use of a dedicated cloud infrastructure within a bank’s own data centers. Hybrid cloud combines the use of public and private clouds, allowing banks to take advantage of the benefits of both models. Multi-cloud refers to the use of multiple cloud providers or deployment models, allowing banks to choose the best solution for each specific application or workload. Banks may consider using a combination of these models to achieve their desired level of flexibility, security, and cost-efficiency.

What are the biggest risks for banks when migrating to the cloud? 

  1. Security concerns: Banks handle sensitive financial information and data, and the migration to the cloud may increase the risk of data breaches and cyber-attacks.

  2. Compliance issues: Banks are subject to strict regulatory requirements, and the migration to the cloud may pose challenges in meeting these requirements.

  3. Loss of control: Banks may lose control over their data and infrastructure when migrating to the cloud, which could lead to unexpected disruptions and outages.

  4. Dependence on third-party providers: Banks may become dependent on third-party cloud providers, which could lead to potential vendor lock-in and loss of flexibility.

  5. Cost and budget constraints: Migrating to the cloud can be expensive, and banks may face challenges in finding the right balance between cost savings and security and compliance requirements.

  6. Regulatory compliance: Banks are subject to various regulations and must ensure that they are complying with these rules when storing and accessing data. This can make it challenging for them to migrate to the cloud, as they need to ensure that their cloud provider is compliant with the necessary regulations.

  7. Legacy systems: Many banks have existing systems and infrastructure in place, and migrating to the cloud can be a complex and time-consuming process. This can be a barrier for banks that are not ready to make the transition or do not have the necessary resources to migrate their systems.

How are banks approaching the risks and security challenges of the cloud? 

Banks are approaching the risks and security challenges of the cloud in several ways.

  1. Banks are carefully evaluating and selecting their cloud providers, ensuring that they have strong security measures in place and are compliant with the necessary regulations. Banks may also require their cloud providers to undergo security audits and meet certain standards before working with them.

  2. Banks are implementing robust security measures within their own systems to protect data on the cloud. This may include encrypting data, using multi-factor authentication, and implementing strict access controls to prevent unauthorized access.

  3. Banks are continuously monitoring and assessing their security posture on the cloud, and are prepared to respond quickly to potential threats or breaches. This may include conducting regular security audits and implementing security updates and patches as needed.

Overall, banks are taking a proactive and comprehensive approach to the risks and security challenges of the cloud, in order to protect their customers’ data and ensure compliance with regulations.

How are leading banks driving better ROI from the cloud? 

  1. Leveraging cloud technology to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs: Banks are using cloud-based solutions to automate repetitive tasks, streamline processes, and reduce operational costs.

  2. Investing in advanced security measures to protect data and prevent breaches: Banks are investing in advanced security measures, such as encryption and multi-factor authentication, to protect sensitive financial information and data when migrating to the cloud.

  3. Adopting a hybrid cloud model to retain control and flexibility: Banks are adopting a hybrid cloud model, which allows them to retain control over their data and infrastructure while leveraging the benefits of the cloud.

  4. Partnering with trusted cloud providers to ensure compliance and reliability: Banks are partnering with trusted cloud providers that have a proven track record in compliance and reliability to ensure that their migration to the cloud is successful.

  5. Establishing a clear cloud migration strategy and roadmap: Banks are developing a clear cloud migration strategy and roadmap to ensure that their migration is well-planned and executed smoothly.

Can banks modernize applications and migrate to the cloud at the same time?

Yes, banks can modernize applications and migrate to the cloud at the same time. In fact, many banks are doing this to take advantage of the benefits of the cloud, such as improved scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency.

To modernize applications and migrate to the cloud simultaneously, banks can follow a few key steps: 

  1. Conduct a thorough analysis of their existing applications and identify which ones can be modernized and migrated to the cloud.

  2. Develop a clear migration plan and roadmap that outlines the steps, timelines, and resources required to modernize and migrate the applications to the cloud.

  3. Partner with trusted cloud providers that have expertise in application modernization and migration to ensure a smooth and successful migration. 

  4. Test and validate the migrated applications to ensure that they are functioning properly and meeting the required performance and security standards.

  5. Monitor and manage the migrated applications on an ongoing basis to ensure that they are delivering the expected benefits and value.

Preparing for banking in the Metaverse and more with cloud.

Banks can prepare for the Metaverse and other emerging technologies by investing in cloud technology. By storing data and running applications on the cloud, banks can gain the flexibility and scalability they need to quickly adapt to new technologies and trends. 

For example, the Metaverse is a virtual world that is expected to become increasingly important for businesses, and banks can use the cloud to store and access data within this virtual world. By using the cloud, banks can easily create virtual branches, offer virtual services, and interact with customers within the Metaverse. 

Additionally, banks can use the cloud to experiment with new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain, without the need to invest in expensive hardware and software. This can help them stay ahead of the curve and innovate in areas that are critical to their business.

How banks may better leverage Google GCP for Data Processing.


Banks can better leverage Google GCP for data processing by using its advanced analytics and machine learning capabilities. 

Banks can use GCP’s BigQuery service to quickly and easily analyze large amounts of data, and gain insights that can help them make better business decisions. For example, banks can use BigQuery to analyze customer data, such as transaction history and demographics, to better understand their customers and improve their services.

Additionally, banks can use GCP’s Cloud Machine Learning Engine to build and train machine learning models that can help automate and improve their processes. For example, banks can use machine learning to detect fraud, predict customer behavior, or automate back-office tasks.

By using GCP’s security and compliance tools, banks ensure their data is protected and compliant with regulations. For example, banks can use GCP’s Identity and Access Management system to control access to data and resources and ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive information.

How banks use Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Banks can use AI in several ways to improve their operations and customer service:

  1. Fraud detection and prevention: Banks can use AI to identify and prevent fraudulent transactions by analyzing customer data and transaction patterns. This can help reduce the risk of losses and improve customer trust.

  2. Customer service: Banks can use AI to improve customer service by providing personalized recommendations and advice based on customers’ data and preferences. For example, AI can help banks recommend financial products or services that are tailored to each customer’s needs and goals.

  3. Process automation: Banks can use AI to automate repetitive tasks and improve efficiency. For example, AI can be used to automatically process customer requests, such as account opening or loan applications, freeing up employees to focus on more complex tasks.

  4. Risk management: Banks can use AI to better manage risk by analyzing data and identifying potential risks in real time. This can help banks make more informed decisions and avoid potential losses.

  5. By using AI, banks can improve operations, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Full-Time Hire – Principal Full Stack Engineer – $3.5B Publicly Traded B2B SaaS Company

CONGRATULATIONS to the Verticalmove, Inc Full-Time Recruiting team for filling a SENIOR PLATFORM ENGINEERING position within a leading publicly traded $3.5B B2B SaaS company with over 3,000 employees and 2500 customers globally.

DID YOU KNOW that Verticalmove, Inc leverages an AI-powered digital skills assessment platform, which leverages audio, video, and image proctoring to confirm identity authenticity, location, and overall competency?

Our skills assessment platform distills a hiring decision into a simple score and ranking system for our clients, which further helps our team achieve measurable consistency, remove unconscious bias, and improve hiring outcomes.

Amazing work team!

Are you staffing for your digital transformation project? Please reach out and say

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Contract Hire – Senior Oracle Database Administrator – Innovative Higher Education University

CONGRATULATIONS to the Verticalmove, Inc Digital Transformation Consulting & Software Engineering team for filling a SENIOR CONTRACT ORACLE DBA position within a client that is among the most recognized innovative higher education institutions in the US.

This candidate is part of our NGT (Next Generation Transformation) consulting team that helps our clients decompose their monolithic enterprise applications, and move to a modern microservices, cloud-based architecture.

DID YOU KNOW that Verticalmove, Inc leverages an AI-powered digital skills assessment platform, which leverages audio, video, and image proctoring to confirm identity authenticity, location, and overall competency?

Our skills assessment platform distills a hiring decision into a simple score and ranking system for our clients, which further helps our team achieve measurable consistency, remove unconscious bias, and improve hiring outcomes.

Amazing work team!

Are you staffing for your digital transformation project? Please reach out and say

#cloudcomputing #digitaltransformation #publiccloud #privatecloud #hybridcloud #saasjobs #enterprisesoftware #fintechjobs #financeinnovation #saasstartup #saasplatform #fullstackjobs #fullstackengineer #fullstackdeveloper

Contract Hire – Senior Software Engineer – $200.0B Fortune 10 Healthcare Enterprise

CONGRATULATIONS to the Verticalmove, Inc Digital Transformation Consulting & Software Engineering team for filling a CONTRACT SENIOR SOFTWARE ENGINEER position in a row within a client that is among the Fortune 50 and the most recognized healthcare companies in existence.

This candidate is part of our NGT (Next Generation Transformation) consulting team that helps our clients decompose their monolithic enterprise applications, and move to a modern microservices, cloud-based architecture.

DID YOU KNOW that Verticalmove, Inc leverages an AI-powered digital skills assessment platform, which leverages audio, video, and image proctoring to confirm identity authenticity, location, and overall competency?

Our skills assessment platform distills a hiring decision into a simple score and ranking system for our clients, which further helps our team achieve measurable consistency, remove unconscious bias, and improve hiring outcomes.

Amazing work team!

Are you staffing for your digital transformation project? Please reach out and say

#cloudcomputing #digitaltransformation #publiccloud #privatecloud #hybridcloud #saasjobs #enterprisesoftware #fintechjobs #financeinnovation #saasstartup #saasplatform #fullstackjobs #fullstackengineer #fullstackdeveloper

Love it when our clients applaud our accuracy and quality.

Out of the 12 interviews our client conducted with all their recruitment vendor partners, 9 of them resulted in declines. Out of the remaining 3 candidates the client liked, 2 of them came from Verticalmove, Inc

“Hey Ian, just a heads up that my afternoon interview went good so the 2nd open position I had will be going to that candidate. I’ll be canceling my future interviews so that the few DBAs that I do have can get back to work. 

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you and your recruiting team for knocking it out of the park on this round of DBA searching. I had about a dozen interviews, and up until my late afternoon interview today your candidates were the only ones that were even being considered.  

So out of 12 interviews, 9 of them were declines from us and the 3 we did like, 2 of them came from Vertical Move. Keep up the great work and thank you for some great candidates!”

Navigating the job market after a layoff: A step-by-step guide to preparing for your next career move.

Losing your job can be a difficult and stressful experience, but it is important to remain focused and take action to improve your situation. One of the key steps to take after being laid off is to prepare for job interviews.

First and foremost, it is important to update your resume and tailor it to the specific job opportunities you are applying for. Be sure to highlight your relevant skills and experiences, and be prepared to discuss how you can contribute to the company’s goals and objectives.

Next, research the company and the specific role you are applying for. This will help you understand the company’s culture and what they are looking for in a candidate. It will also give you a chance to prepare questions to ask the interviewer and show that you are interested in the company and the job.

It is also important to practice your interview skills. This can include rehearsing answers to common interview questions, practicing your body language and eye contact, and dressing professionally for the interview.

Another important aspect of interview preparation is to prepare for potential challenges. For example, if you have gaps in your employment history due to being laid off, be prepared to explain why and highlight any positive experiences or skills you gained during that time.

Overall, being laid off from your job can be a challenging experience, but it is also an opportunity to take control of your career and focus on finding a job that aligns with your goals and interests. By taking the time to prepare for job interviews, you can increase your chances of success and find a new job that is fulfilling and rewarding.


  1. Update your resume and tailor it to the specific job opportunity you are applying for.
  2. Research the company and the specific role you are applying for to understand their culture and what they are looking for in a candidate.
  3. Practice your interview skills, including rehearsing answers to common interview questions and practicing your body language and eye contact.
  4. Prepare for potential challenges, such as gaps in your employment history or weaknesses in your skillset.
  5. Dress professionally for the interview and arrive on time.
  6. Bring copies of your resume and any other relevant documents, such as references or certifications.
  7. Be prepared to ask thoughtful and engaging questions to show your interest in the company and the job.
  8. Be honest and authentic in your answers, and avoid oversharing or providing too much information.
  9. Follow up with the interviewer after the interview to thank them for their time and express your continued interest in the job.


  1. Start with a strong and concise objective or summary statement that highlights your relevant skills and experiences.
  2. Use a clear and easy-to-read format and structure, with headings and bullet points to organize your information.
  3. Include specific examples of your skills and achievements, using metrics and quantifiable data where possible.
  4. Tailor your resume to the specific job opportunity you are applying for, highlighting the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the position.
  5. Keep your resume concise and focused, avoiding unnecessary or irrelevant information.
  6. Use keywords and phrases from the job description to help your resume be found in applicant tracking systems.
  7. Proofread your resume carefully to ensure that it is free of spelling and grammar errors.
  8. Save your resume in a common file format, such as PDF or Word, and use a professional-sounding file name.
  9. Consider including a cover letter with your resume to provide additional context and information about your qualifications and interest in the job if applicable.


  1. Tell me about your background and experience as a software engineer.
  2. Can you describe a specific project or problem you solved using your engineering skills?
  3. What are your top skills and strengths as a software engineer?
  4. How do you stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends in the software engineering field?
  5. Can you describe a time when you worked in a team to develop software, and what your role was in that process?
  6. How do you handle difficult situations or problems when working on a software engineering project?
  7. Can you describe a specific project or problem you encountered that required creative thinking or problem-solving skills?
  8. How do you approach testing and debugging software to ensure that it is reliable and effective?
  9. Can you provide examples of how you have used your communication skills to collaborate with other team members or stakeholders on a software engineering project?
  10. What do you enjoy most about working as a software engineer, and what motivates you to continue learning and growing in your field?


There are many resources available for software engineers to prepare for technical interviews. Some of the most common include books, online courses, practice problems, and interviews.


  • “Cracking the Coding Interview” by Gayle Laakmann McDowell
  • “Elements of Programming Interviews” by Adnan Aziz, Tsung-Hsien Lee, and Amit Prakash
  • “Programming Interviews Exposed” by John Mongan, Noah Kindler, and Eric Giguere

Online courses:

  • “Cracking the Coding Interview” by Gayle Laakmann McDowell on Pluralsight
  • “Algorithms and Data Structures” by Michael T. Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia on Coursera
  • “Programming Interviews” by Alex Miller on LinkedIn Learning

Practice problems and interviews:

  • InterviewBit
  • LeetCode
  • HackerRank
  • Pramp (for practice interviews)

In addition to these resources, it can also be helpful to talk to friends, colleagues, or mentors who have experience with technical interviews and can provide guidance and advice.

Full-Time Hire – Principal Full Stack Engineer – $3.5B Publicly Traded B2B SaaS Company

CONGRATULATIONS to the Verticalmove, Inc Full-Time Recruiting team for filling a PRINCIPAL FULL STACK SOFTWARE ENGINEERING position within a leading publicly traded $3.5B B2B SaaS company with over 3,000 employees and 2500 customers globally.

DID YOU KNOW that Verticalmove, Inc leverages an AI-powered digital skills assessment platform, which leverages audio, video, and image proctoring to confirm identity authenticity, location, and overall competency?

Our skills assessment platform distills a hiring decision into a simple score and ranking system for our clients, which further helps our team achieve measurable consistency, remove unconscious bias, and improve hiring outcomes.

Amazing work team!

Are you staffing for your digital transformation project? Please reach out and say

#cloudcomputing #digitaltransformation #publiccloud #privatecloud #hybridcloud #saasjobs #enterprisesoftware #fintechjobs #financeinnovation #saasstartup #saasplatform #fullstackjobs #fullstackengineer #fullstackdeveloper

Are you hiring? Please reach out and say

#cloudcomputing #digitaltransformation #publiccloud #privatecloud #hybridcloud #saasjobs #enterprisesoftware #fintechjobs #softwareengineers #innovation

Contract Hire – Senior GoLang Software Engineer – $100BB Financial Services Company

CONGRATULATIONS to the Verticalmove, Inc Digital Transformation Consulting & Software Engineering team for filling a SENIOR GOLANG SOFTWARE ENGINEER within a Financial Services client that is among the Fortune 100 and is valued at more than $100.0 billion dollars in public market capitalization.

This candidate is part of our NGT (Next Generation Transformation) consulting team that helps our clients decompose their monolithic enterprise applications, and move to a modern microservices, cloud-based architecture.

DID YOU KNOW that Verticalmove, Inc leverages an AI-powered digital skills assessment platform, which leverages audio, video, and image proctoring to confirm identity authenticity, location, and overall competency?

Our skills assessment platform distills a hiring decision into a simple score and ranking system for our clients, which further helps our team achieve measurable consistency, remove unconscious bias, and improve hiring outcomes.

Amazing work team!

Are you staffing for your digital transformation project? Please reach out and say

#cloudcomputing #digitaltransformation #publiccloud #privatecloud #hybridcloud #saasjobs #enterprisesoftware #fintechjobs #financeinnovation #saasstartup #saasplatform #fullstackjobs #fullstackengineer #fullstackdeveloper

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