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Contract Hire – Senior-Level Full-Stack Software Engineer – Innovative Higher Education University

CONGRATULATIONS to the Verticalmove, Inc Digital Transformation Consulting & Software Engineering team for filling another SENIOR-LEVEL FULL STACK SOFTWARE ENGINEERING position.

Our team quickly identified and tested via pair programming with five select candidates, submitting them in under three business days. Four candidates were interviewed by our client, who offered the job to the first professional interviewed, leading to a swift and successful hire. This showcases our efficiency and effectiveness in delivering results.

This candidate is part of our NGT (Next Generation Transformation) consulting team that helps our clients decompose their monolithic enterprise applications, and move to a modern microservices, cloud-based architecture.

DID YOU KNOW that Verticalmove, Inc leverages an AI-powered digital skills assessment platform, which leverages audio, video, and image proctoring to confirm identity authenticity, location, and overall competency?

Our skills assessment platform distills a hiring decision into a simple score and ranking system for our clients, which further helps our team achieve measurable consistency, remove unconscious bias, and improve hiring outcomes.

Amazing work team!

Are you staffing for your digital transformation project? Please reach out and say

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#enterprisesoftware #fintechjobs #financeinnovation #saasstartup #saasplatform #fullstackjobs #fullstackengineer #fullstackdeveloper

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