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Please meet Ian Freeman our Director of Enterprise Business Development

Meet Ian Freeman, the Director of Business Development for Verticalmove in Scottsdale, Arizona. With over a decade of experience in the IT industry, Ian has become a highly skilled and creative problem solver, constantly pushing the boundaries of the status quo, and continually seeking enhanced methods, processes, and technologies.

As a Director of Business Development, Ian is an expert in digital trends and technology solutions. He enjoys helping customers solve problems and implement digital solutions that improve their businesses. Ian’s deep knowledge of the IT industry has made him a go-to resource for some of the world’s most recognizable brands in the Tech, Retail, Healthcare, and Finance industries.

Ian’s proven track record of building IT & Software Engineering teams have been critical to the success of his clients. He has a keen eye for talent and a talent for building cohesive teams that consistently deliver results.

While Ian is dedicated to his work, he is also a family man who values spending quality time with his beautiful wife and three kids. He understands that work-life balance is important, and he encourages his team to prioritize their personal lives while also delivering exceptional results for their clients.

Ian is always seeking new knowledge and approaches to gain a fresh perspective on traditional ideologies. He believes that learning is a lifelong pursuit, and he encourages his team to continue to develop their skills and knowledge to stay ahead of the curve.

In addition to his work and family life, Ian is a sports enthusiast and a huge fan of the Kansas City Chiefs, St. Louis Cardinals, and Kansas State Wildcats. He understands the importance of teamwork and the value of hard work, both on and off the field.

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