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Customer Success Story: Building an AI Dream Team for Healthcare Client using a Contingent, Flexible, Workforce!

Verticalmove’s collaboration with a top healthcare company resulted in remarkable achievements and transformative impacts. Within a short span of 20 days, we successfully created the foundation for a high-caliber AI team, filling critical roles that had remained vacant for months. This enabled the implementation of advanced AI services, including Speech Recognition, Medical Image Analysis, and an intelligent Health Bot Service, revolutionizing operations and enhancing patient care. Our strategic recruitment approach and AI assessment tools ensured the introduction of exceptional talent, driving innovation and shaping the future of healthcare.


One of the world’s largest healthcare companies approached us with a critical need to build an Artificial Intelligence (AI) team based on a flexible, contingent workforce model. They had been struggling to fill several AI-related roles, including Artificial Intelligence Architects, AI Engineers, and Data Engineers, for over five months internally. The company aimed to leverage Microsoft’s Azure Cloud Environment and explore the potential of OpenAI to implement cognitive services across their enterprise.


Understanding the urgency and importance of the project, our team sprang into action. Within just 12 days of receiving the first Artificial Intelligence Architect requirement, we developed a robust pipeline of thoroughly vetted candidates. Our efficiency paid off as we successfully filled the first Artificial Intelligence Architect role within eight days of submitting our first candidate, resulting in a remarkable time-to-fill of only 20 days. The client was equally impressed with our second Artificial Intelligence Architect hire, and soon after, we filled the third and final position in the Artificial Intelligence team. Building on this success, we continued to source and place several Artificial Intelligence Engineers and Data Pipeline & Processing Engineers, securing the trust and confidence of our client.


Verticalmove strategically leverages our extensive network and market insights to generate interest and engagement among top talent. By introducing highly qualified candidates to our healthcare client’s groundbreaking AI team, we ensure an innovative and capable talent pool.

 To enhance hiring outcomes, we utilize an AI-powered digital skills assessment platform. This platform employs audio, video, and image proctoring to confirm identity, location, and competency. It provides objective scores and rankings, removing unconscious bias and improving consistency. We further assess candidates through live coding paired programming sessions before submitting them to the end client. This hands-on approach evaluates technical proficiency, problem-solving skills, and teamwork.

 Verticalmove’s combination of strategic recruitment, AI assessment, and rigorous evaluations ensures our clients receive exceptional candidates ready to make a meaningful impact. 


Our client not only identified and hired the necessary talent but also achieved their goal of deploying modern AI services throughout their enterprise. With our help, they established a flexible and cost-effective workforce to implement Vision, Speech, Language, and Decision services within Microsoft’s Azure Cloud Environment. This next-generation, cloud-based, shared services platform empowers application developers across the organization to build advanced applications, including Speech Recognition and Transcription, Medical Image Analysis, an intelligent Health Bot Service, Image Recognition, and much more. 

Through our partnership, the healthcare company unlocked the potential of AI technology, revolutionizing its operations and enhancing patient care. By leveraging the power of LinkedIn and our expertise in AI talent acquisition, Verticalmove played a crucial role in shaping the future of healthcare for this visionary organization.

We ❤️ Our Amazing Contractors!

At Verticalmove, Inc, our contractors are the lifeblood of our organization. They make an incredible impact on our valuable customers and play a vital role in our success. Today, we express our deepest appreciation for these amazing individuals who bring excellence and drive to our team.

Our contractors go above and beyond, seamlessly integrating into our teams and consistently exceeding expectations. Their specialized skills, adaptability, and relentless pursuit of excellence have helped us navigate challenges and deliver exceptional solutions. We are inspired by their dedication and contributions.

Beyond their professional expertise, our contractors bring diverse experiences and perspectives that enrich our workplace culture and foster innovation. Their passion and willingness to go the extra mile create an environment where everyone strives for success.

To our incredible contractors, we extend our deepest gratitude for your outstanding contributions. You are the driving force behind our achievements, and we value the immense impact you bring. Your dedication and hard work do not go unnoticed.

We are immensely proud to have such an exceptional team of contractors at Verticalmove. Together, we are creating exceptional outcomes for our clients and building a strong community of professionals.

Thank you for being an integral part of our success story!

#ContractorAppreciation #Teamwork #Excellence #Gratitude #Verticalmove

Navigating the Tech Talent Discrepancy: Unraveling the Contradiction and Finding Opportunities!

In recent times, the tech industry has experienced a rollercoaster ride of events, leaving many professionals questioning the future of their careers. On one hand, we witness a significant number of tech-oriented employees being laid off, while on the other, industry reports and projections indicate a growing demand for skilled tech professionals. In this article, we delve into the apparent contradiction between these studies and our current reality, exploring the underlying factors and providing insights on how professionals can navigate this tech talent paradox.

Unveiling the Discrepancy:

According to the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the employment of software developers, quality assurance analysts, and testers is projected to grow at a staggering rate of 25 percent from 2021 to 2031, outpacing the average for all occupations. This projection suggests an average of 162,900 job openings each year over the next decade, primarily fueled by the need to replace retiring workers or those transitioning to different fields. These statistics provide a glimpse of a promising future for tech professionals.

However, the International Data Corporation (IDC) paints a slightly different picture. Their research predicts a global shortfall of four million developers by 2025, implying that demand will exceed the available talent pool. This projection appears to contrast the notion of widespread layoffs and the challenges faced by many tech professionals in finding suitable employment.

Understanding the Discrepancy:

To make sense of this apparent contradiction, we must consider several factors at play. First, the tech industry is vast and diverse, comprising various domains, such as software development, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, data analytics, and more. The demand and growth rates within these domains may differ, leading to variances in job opportunities and layoffs.

Second, technological advancements have ushered in rapid changes, transforming business models and disrupting industries. Organizations must constantly adapt, restructure, or realign their operations to remain competitive. Such changes often result in the downsizing or restructuring of teams, which can lead to temporary layoffs and uncertainties for professionals.

Third, the digital transformation initiatives undertaken by businesses globally have accelerated the demand for tech talent. The COVID-19 pandemic further expedited this shift, with organizations seeking to bolster their digital capabilities to thrive in a remote or hybrid work environment. The demand for developers, analysts, and testers remains high to support these initiatives, albeit with a focus on specific skill sets and emerging technologies.

Navigating the Tech Talent Paradox:

In light of the complex dynamics within the tech industry, professionals can adopt several strategies to navigate the talent paradox successfully.

  1. Continuous Learning: In a rapidly evolving industry, upskilling and staying updated with emerging technologies is crucial. Acquiring new skills and certifications can enhance your marketability and increase your chances of securing opportunities within growing domains.

  2. Diversify Your Skill Set: Consider expanding your skill set to encompass multiple domains. Having a versatile skill set can make you more adaptable to the changing demands of the industry, increasing your chances of finding employment even in uncertain times.

  3. Networking and Building Connections: Engage actively with industry professionals, attend conferences, join online communities, and participate in relevant forums. Building a strong professional network can provide you with valuable insights, job opportunities, and referrals.

  4. Embrace Remote and Freelance Opportunities: The rise of remote work and gig economy platforms has opened doors to global opportunities. Consider exploring freelance or remote work options to expand your reach and access a broader talent market.

  5. Seek Industry Insights: Stay informed about industry trends, demand patterns, and emerging technologies. Engage with industry publications, research reports, and thought leaders to gain valuable insights that can inform your career decisions.


While the studies highlighting the growing demand for tech professionals might seem contradictory to the layoffs experienced by many, they reflect the intricate dynamics and rapid changes within the tech industry. By embracing continuous learning, diversifying skill sets, networking, and staying informed, professionals can position themselves for success in this ever-evolving landscape. Ultimately, it is important to adapt, be resilient, and seize the opportunities that emerge amidst the tech talent paradox.

What are your thoughts?

Revolutionizing Hiring: Verticalmove Harnesses AI-Powered Assessments and Paired Programming Exercises to Uncover Top Tech Talent


At Verticalmove, we excel at identifying top-tier professionals for our valued clients. Our consistent screening process delivers exceptional outcomes, with an average of fewer than 6 carefully vetted candidates leading to offer decisions.

Moreover, we successfully close over 90% of all offers extended. Our comprehensive approach sets us apart and ensures we bring exceptional talent to the table.

[AI-Powered Digital Skills Assessment Platform]

At Verticalmove, we pride ourselves on leveraging an AI-powered digital skills assessment platform that revolutionizes the way we evaluate candidates. This advanced platform employs audio, video, and image proctoring to confirm the authenticity of identity, location, and overall competency. By seamlessly integrating these techniques, we establish trust and confidence in the skills and capabilities of our candidates from the initial stages of the screening process.

[Paired Programming Interviews]

To gain deeper insights into candidates’ technical prowess, we conduct rigorous paired programming interviews. These interviews serve as a litmus test for candidates’ competency in crucial areas such as design patterns, data structures, algorithms, and other domains that our clients prioritize. By engaging candidates in problem-solving exercises and collaborative coding sessions, we can identify individuals who demonstrate a strong foundation, adaptability, and innovative thinking.

[Leveraging Our Consulting Engineers Bench]

At Verticalmove, we are fortunate to have an extensive bench of consulting (engineering) professionals who bring with them a wealth of experience and technical expertise. These seasoned professionals play a pivotal role in evaluating the results of each in-depth technical interview we conduct. By leveraging their insights, our team ensures a thorough assessment of candidates’ performance, guaranteeing that only the most qualified individuals make it to the final selection process.

To provide you with a more detailed understanding of our superior technical screening approach, we have created a video that outlines our process from start to finish. I invite you to watch the attached video.

Our commitment to excellence extends beyond the initial screening phase. We strive to create an environment where candidates can truly showcase their skills and aptitude, ensuring that only the most exceptional professionals join our client’s digital transformation initiatives.

If you are seeking a digital transformation team that excels in technical screening and consistently delivers outstanding talent, Verticalmove is your trusted partner.

Reach out to us today and experience the remarkable caliber of professionals we can bring to your organization. Get in touch:

Contract Hire – Senior-Level Contract Full-Stack Software Engineer – Largest US Wireless Provider

CONGRATULATIONS to the Verticalmove, Inc Digital Transformation Consulting & Software Engineering team for filling a SENIOR-LEVEL CONTRACT FULL STACK SOFTWARE ENGINEERING position within a client that is considered the largest US Wireless Telecommunications provider.

This candidate is part of our NGT (Next Generation Transformation) consulting team that helps our clients decompose their monolithic enterprise applications, and move to a modern microservices, cloud-based architecture.

DID YOU KNOW that Verticalmove, Inc leverages an AI-powered digital skills assessment platform, which leverages audio, video, and image proctoring to confirm identity authenticity, location, and overall competency?

Our skills assessment platform distills a hiring decision into a simple score and ranking system for our clients, which further helps our team achieve measurable consistency, remove unconscious bias, and improve hiring outcomes.

Amazing work team!

Are you staffing for your digital transformation project? Please reach out and say

#cloudcomputing #digitaltransformation #publiccloud #privatecloud #hybridcloud #saasjobs #enterprisesoftware #fintechjobs #financeinnovation #saasstartup #saasplatform #fullstackjobs #fullstackengineer #fullstackdeveloper

Please meet Dawson our Senior Technical Recruiter

I am excited to introduce our Technical Recruiter, Dawson Allen, who has always been an overachiever. Dawson was recognized by the National Honor Society for exceptional academic performance in high school and competed in state championships for DECA, showcasing his marketing, management, and entrepreneurship skills.
Dawson started his career at Verticalmove, Inc as an entry-level Talent Qualification Specialist and has since worked hard to be promoted to Senior Technical Recruitment positions. He has filled some of the most difficult technical roles ranging from Senior Director to junior-level Java Engineers and boasts one of the best candidate submittal to offer ratios within Verticalmove standing at 5:1.
Dawson’s passion and determination extend beyond his professional career. He was born in Washington State and moved to Scottsdale, Arizona, in June 2020. He is a supercar enthusiast and has experience in track racing cars ranging from Audi R8, Porsche GT3RS, and Ferrari 488s. Although he currently drives a Kia Sorento, he is saving really hard to afford a supercar of his own someday.
Dawson’s unique blend of technical recruitment expertise, determination, and passion for high-performance cars makes him an excellent addition to the Verticalmove team.

Contract Hire – Senior-Level Full-Stack Software Engineer – Innovative Higher Education University

CONGRATULATIONS to the Verticalmove, Inc Digital Transformation Consulting & Software Engineering team for filling a SENIOR-LEVEL FULL STACK SOFTWARE ENGINEERING position within a client that is among the most recognized innovative higher education institutions in the US.

This candidate is part of our NGT (Next Generation Transformation) consulting team that helps our clients decompose their monolithic enterprise applications, and move to a modern microservices, cloud-based architecture.

DID YOU KNOW that Verticalmove, Inc leverages an AI-powered digital skills assessment platform, which leverages audio, video, and image proctoring to confirm identity authenticity, location, and overall competency?

Our skills assessment platform distills a hiring decision into a simple score and ranking system for our clients, which further helps our team achieve measurable consistency, remove unconscious bias, and improve hiring outcomes.

Amazing work team!

Are you staffing for your digital transformation project? Please reach out and say

#cloudcomputing #digitaltransformation #publiccloud #privatecloud #hybridcloud #saasjobs #enterprisesoftware #fintechjobs #financeinnovation #saasstartup #saasplatform #fullstackjobs #fullstackengineer #fullstackdeveloper

Full-Time Hire – Senior Augmented Reality Software Engineer – $100.0B Fortune 50 Retailer

ONGRATULATIONS to the Verticalmove, Inc Direct-Hire (FTE) Recruiting team for filling a SENIOR AUGMENTED REALITY ENGINEERING position for an Innovation Laboratory embedded within a well-known Fortune 50 client.

DID YOU KNOW that Verticalmove, Inc leverages an AI-powered digital skills assessment platform, which leverages audio, video, and image proctoring to confirm identity authenticity, location, and overall competency?

Our skills assessment platform distills a hiring decision into a simple score and ranking system for our clients, which further helps our team achieve measurable consistency, remove unconscious bias, and improve hiring outcomes.

Amazing work team!

Are you staffing for your digital transformation project? Please reach out and say

#cloudcomputing #digitaltransformation #publiccloud #privatecloud #hybridcloud #saasjobs #enterprisesoftware #fintechjobs #financeinnovation #saasstartup #saasplatform #fullstackjobs #fullstackengineer #fullstackdeveloper

Full-Time Hire – Senior Full Stack Software Engineer – $100.0B Fortune 50 Retailer

CONGRATULATIONS to the Verticalmove, Inc Direct-Hire (FTE) Recruiting team for filling a SENIOR FULL STACK SOFTWARE ENGINEERING position for an Innovation Laboratory embedded within a well-known Fortune 50 client.

DID YOU KNOW that Verticalmove, Inc leverages an AI-powered digital skills assessment platform, which leverages audio, video, and image proctoring to confirm identity authenticity, location, and overall competency?

Our skills assessment platform distills a hiring decision into a simple score and ranking system for our clients, which further helps our team achieve measurable consistency, remove unconscious bias, and improve hiring outcomes.

Amazing work team!

Are you staffing for your digital transformation project? Please reach out and say

#cloudcomputing #digitaltransformation #publiccloud #privatecloud #hybridcloud #saasjobs #enterprisesoftware #fintechjobs #financeinnovation #saasstartup #saasplatform #fullstackjobs #fullstackengineer #fullstackdeveloper

Contract Hire – Artificial Intelligence Architect – $200.0B Fortune 10 Healthcare Enterprise

ONE RESUME, ONE HIRE – CONGRATULATIONS to the Verticalmove, Inc Digital Transformation Consulting & Software Engineering team for filling an ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ENGINEERING position within a client that is among the Fortune 50 and the most recognized healthcare companies in existence.

We filled this position with 1 submitted resume, and 1 successful hire.

This candidate is part of our NGT (Next Generation Transformation) consulting team that helps our clients decompose their monolithic enterprise applications, and move to a modern microservices, cloud-based architecture.

DID YOU KNOW that Verticalmove, Inc leverages an AI-powered digital skills assessment platform, which leverages audio, video, and image proctoring to confirm identity authenticity, location, and overall competency?

Our skills assessment platform distills a hiring decision into a simple score and ranking system for our clients, which further helps our team achieve measurable consistency, remove unconscious bias, and improve hiring outcomes.

Amazing work team!

Are you staffing for your digital transformation project? Please reach out and say

#cloudcomputing #digitaltransformation #publiccloud #privatecloud #hybridcloud #saasjobs #enterprisesoftware #fintechjobs #financeinnovation #saasstartup #saasplatform #fullstackjobs #fullstackengineer #fullstackdeveloper

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